My name is Jackie, and I am a dessert recipe blogger and stay-at-home mama of three sweet kiddos, Penelope, Olivia and Benjamin. I love Jesus, my husband, our amazing kids, our two cats, my home state of Minnesota, and (what likely brought you here in the first place) BAKING!

Seven years ago, shortly after returning to my corporate job from maternity leave, I found myself conflicted between wanting to stay home to be with my oldest daughter and wanting to work outside of the home. I LOVED my career and my coworkers, but realized that my girl would only be little for so long and that I wanted to be around for every little moment. So, I took the leap and left my job to be a full time stay-at-home mom.

Since then, we have welcomed another daughter in 2019 and a son in 2023. I have used my extra time (if there is extra time when caring for three kids) to dive into one of my long time hobbies – baking. Sweet Girl Treats is named after my two daughters, whom I often refer to as ‘sweet girl’.

I have developed Sweet Girl Treats as an avenue to share recipes that I create. I hope you enjoy all of my creative, rich, yet simple desserts! You can also catch me on local Minnesota TV (Fox 9 Good Day and Twin Cities Live) doing live baking demo segments. Hop over to my ‘TV appearances’ page to see me in action!